Helpful plumbing & heating tips
I have a leak
what do i do?

My boiler has stopped working

plumbing tips

What are the 3 differn't types of boiler?

My radiators
are cold

Should i turn my boiler off before a service?

How can i improve my heatings efficiency?

What maintainance does my heating system need?

What are the 3 top boiler manufacturers?

Is it ok to switch my boiler off when i go on holiday?

It is also advised to turn off your mains water stop tap especially in winter.
Do i need to bleed my radiators regularly?

Excessive bleeding of radiators will likely mean there is an issue in the system.
How do i top my boiler pressure up?

Should i have lagging on my loft tanks?

Key benfits of a boiler service?

I am a new oil customer what do i need to know?